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Shepherdsville-Bullitt County has experienced natural disasters.
Tornadoes, floods, and snowstorms are all part of the county's past.
When a series of devastating tornadoes hit western and central Kentucky late on Friday night and e
The bags of stolen goods received by the students while waiting in line included a series of samples of partners.
HBO Max knows that perhaps no one appreciates freebies more than college students. Therefore, in celebration of the new HBO Max Original show "The Sexual Life of Female College
This holiday, consider donating or becoming a volunteer. Hundreds of non-profit organizations need your help.
These non-profit organizations provide services and help-in turn, they rely on you. This holiday, consider donating or becoming a volunteer.
Arlington Kids' Kloset, 135 S Fren
Don't we all need a little magic dust to help the sick elves?
The tradition of bringing home the elves on the shelf has become a reality for many parents. Not all parents, please pay attention. But of course, these celebrity parents are more than happy to share their own Elf on the Shelf ex
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Shepherdsville-Bullitt County has experienced natural disasters.
Tornadoes, floods, and snowstorms are all part of the county's past.
When a series of devastating tornadoes hit western and central Kentucky late on Friday night and e
Infection control and environmental cleaning practices in hospitals have never been more important. In the past two years, medical institutions have been forced to assess the level of readiness, often confirming that the infection prevention plan requires major changes or that existing guidelines
During the epidemic, many people were isolated from the world at home and tried DIY skin care with tips and tricks borrowed from the Internet.
Although organic therapies, some even supported by Ayurveda, have been implemented for a long time, when it comes to skin care, the diverse and some
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This is what the professionals said.
I am the one who always washes his face before going to bed, no matter how tired I am. And I don’t say these for bragging. My sk
Cristina Montemayor is a freelance writer and makeup artist. Her work has appeared on HelloGiggles, Slate, Elite Daily and Bustle.
For most people, walking on the aisle is the moment of their life's dream. When everyone is looking at you, your eyes are on your soon-to-be partner, and for a
Santa Claus learns that Jason (left) and Jason Riley are good kids this year. Photo by Steve Lanson.
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